Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Brick veneer and precast base

After a couple months of looking at plain concrete block, it's nice to see some brick veneer and a precast concrete base at the first floor exterior. The brick, mortar, and precast all match the colors on the existing library building, and when the platinum-colored curtain wall and metal panels are in place, they will bring a nice, contrasting contemporary feel to the building.

If you walked past the building a few weeks ago, you would have noticed a bright yellow material covering the first floor block. That was the closed cell spray foam insulation, which was sprayed onto the block prior to the exterior finishes being installed. Once the first floor masonry is complete, the process will start all over again with the spray foam insulation being applied to the second floor.

Closed cell spray foam insulation, taken December 1, 2011.
Scaffolding surrounds the first floor for brick laying.

Good view of the precast base.

North elevation spray foam insulation, flashing, and stacks of face brick.
The roof deck is visible at the second floor. 

Roof deck at the bridge/connector.

Roof trusses are scheduled for this week, once the deck is completed.